Supplier Management
Suppliers form a critical part of the value chain and, recognising this, mendrhub provides you with a comprehensive module to help you manage your suppliers effectively.
Supplier profiles
Build a dedicated profile for each supplier, including multiple technician contacts for each in house, external or third-party technician. Profile pictures let your customers validate the identity of technicians when they arrive at a service site.
Accreditations and insurance
Add accreditations and insurance to suppliers to ensure they meet with compliance and automatically alert them to renew them when their accreditation expiry date approaches.
Skills and rates
Add skills to each technician, allowing mendrhub to automatically match the right technician to service jobs. Service and logistics rates can also be added to suppliers to allow service invoices to be automatically generated, saving hours of manual data entry.
Use an interactive map to assign the geographic coverage of suppliers ensuring that only technicians with coverage can be assigned to service jobs.
Van stock
Improve your first-time-fix rates and prepare your technicians for service jobs ahead of time by managing van stock and restocking them with parts through purchase orders when required.
Keep customers assured that all of your technicians meet legal compliance requirements.
Adding and updating you supplier's details has never been easier and instils your customers and service agents with confidence.
Encourage supplier accountability through transparent data and traceable processes.

Request a demo
We’d love to show you how mendrhub can help your business. Use the form below to provide us with your details, and we’ll be in touch to arrange a demonstration.