Perfectly suited to moving assets, mendrhub provides you with the logistics capability to track and move assets between storage and outlet locations.
Unbroken chain of movements
Rationally chained movements in mendrhub prevent erroneous location updates from being made and provide complete audit oversight.
Deliveries, pick-ups and swap-overs
Manage asset pick-up, delivery and swap-overs across outlets and warehouses, with customers able to request preferred times and logistics providers able to attach proof of delivery for auditing purposes.
Receive instant notifications throughout the logistics process, both in-app as well as via SMS and email. This includes pre-emptive updates and notifications straight from the truck to keep all parties up-to-date every step of the way.
Flexible supplier choice
Utilise one or more logistics providers to decouple and de-risk your logistics business, with multiple suppliers capable of expanding your reach, achieving more desirable delivery times for your customers, and controlling costs.
Minimise futiles
Make futile deliveries a thing of the past with auto-notifications, chained movements and real-time data processing.
Measure logistics performance against predefined business outcomes and understand logistics cost trends.
Keep track of all your moving assets throughout their lifespan, with geo-tagged status updates and robust movement logic.

Request a demo
We’d love to show you how mendrhub can help your business. Use the form below to provide us with your details, and we’ll be in touch to arrange a demonstration.